Warung Bebas

Jumat, 17 Juni 2011


I have the car ride there, I have tickets, I yet don't have buss/food money or sleepingbag.

I today quickly visited Hilppa and gave her mental support on her Undertaker cosplay. She's strugling with the heat and all that fabric and the shoes and the wig and everything!! But this time she is really going to do it!!! Makes me happy, I shall have a cosplay pair for the first day, since I'm going to be Grell.

Second day I'll be Mello with my newwy jacket that I love!

Scedule for the Saturday morning:
6:00 am Wake up, do makeup, do the final packings
7:55 am Walk to the buss
8:02 am The buss leaves to Sörnäinen
8:17 am I should be in Sörnäinen
8:30 am We leave to Lahti by car from Sörnäinen
10:00 am THE CON STARTS!!!

So I gotta wakeup really early, I gotta have an alarm clock waking me up, then  dragging my half dead - half sleep to the bath room and then, durn durn, lots of makeup and fakelashes and spiky teeth and a costume and the wig and then I pack my bags, like the makeups and toothbrush and everything. Then I'll check I have everything I need and maybe I'll have some time to take maybe a bit of breakfast, like at least drink something.
And when we arrive to the con place, I think we will first get our stuff to the cloakroom and then we can see what panels and shows we will go watch and then random socializinhg and I bet that by then clock must be around 11 am and I must be hungry.

ahhh, I will get you lots of pictyres and maybe some videos too <3

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