Warung Bebas

Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

Chii Chobits

Me perdí del evento en Guayaquil (A. No tenía ningún traje. B. No $$$ y C. Calor= Kaze muere).

Mientras todos hacían algo y como no asistí a la convención, aproveché para hacer un video de chobits, algo tonto pero mi objetivo es tener todo mis trajes recorded en Youtube.

Hoy terminé mi traje de Chii ^x^

Me desespera esa bendita peluca que me llega hasta las rodillas... Cada rato se enredaba y estorbaba. Así que en las pics y en el vid sale enredadísima v_v

Tsk, tuve que subir el video 2 veces x_x y me muero del sueño.

Con dos de estos focos mega iluminadores... No fue suficiente, necesito más lighting o_ó

Chiiiiiii ~ 

Por hacer la voz aguda de Chii, me lastimé la garganta xD qué peligroso hacer voces así ufff.

Chii Chobits

Me perdí del evento en Guayaquil (A. No tenía ningún traje. B. No $$$ y C. Calor= Kaze muere).

Mientras todos hacían algo y como no asistí a la convención, aproveché para hacer un video de chobits, algo tonto pero mi objetivo es tener todo mis trajes recorded en Youtube.

Hoy terminé mi traje de Chii ^x^

Me desespera esa bendita peluca que me llega hasta las rodillas... Cada rato se enredaba y estorbaba. Así que en las pics y en el vid sale enredadísima v_v

Tsk, tuve que subir el video 2 veces x_x y me muero del sueño.

Con dos de estos focos mega iluminadores... No fue suficiente, necesito más lighting o_ó

Chiiiiiii ~ 

Por hacer la voz aguda de Chii, me lastimé la garganta xD qué peligroso hacer voces así ufff.

Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

My Process

Haven't posted in a while, but I haven't had a costume I'm working on. I'm pretty much ready for Otakon and just been making plushies over at my other blog.

Even though it's early I like to think of the next thing I want to cosplay. I tend to like to pick something out early so I can plan ahead for it. So for this post I'll go through my process and how I plan and start making a costume. For this example, I'm going through what I did when I cosplayed Clover from 999.

The first and most obvious thing is to pick what character you want to cosplay. Shouldn't be difficult, right? It can be if you're one of those people (like myself) who have a million things they want to cosplay. Narrowing it down comes down to a few factors; skill, money, and if there's anyone else who wants to cosplay with me. Not that I need a group to cosplay but sometimes a group can make it more fun. In this case I had several people who wanted to cosplay from the game with me, and I had plenty of time to make it, so I decided on Clover.

A very important part in making the costume, I need good references so I can get it as accurate as possible. It's good to try and collect as much as you can, the more the better, that way it's easier to make the costume. 999 has a small fandom but a really dedicated one, so I had a few good references to go off of, for colors, shapes, etc.
I had a lot of really decent references to go off of, so I knew how everything was supposed to look. Sometimes you might have the issue of color variation, like between the illustration and the height chart they show there. The top image is more true to the in-game, so I tried to base everything more off that. Which meant her sweatshirt was baggier, a bit looser fitting, and the colors were brighter. Though for my wig, it ended up being closer in color to the illustration.

I try and hunt for patterns first before I worry about getting fabric. It's always nice to have the extra fabric, but if you can't afford it, it's better to know how much you actually need. Most of my patterns I get online from sewingpatterns.com. It's great because you can download and print what parts you need and it's super cheep to download it. Another option is to wait until Joannes (or any local fabric store) has a sale. Joannes has a ton of amazing coupons and they have $1 pattern sales.
For Clover I used Butterick 5285 for the skirt and shortened it to match the length I needed. And for the sweatshirt I used See&Sew B4331, though sadly I got a size too big, and had to size it down a bit. The slight oversize I had ended up working out in the end because I needed it to be a bit baggy.
The leggings I ended up patterning myself, it's a basic sort of triangle shape and then the bottom part has elastic in it so I can stick the boot through and get the right shape that she has. I looked up some stuff online for the right shape, you can find a lot of free patterns online if you search.

Most of my wigs I get through ebay. A lot of Chinese sellers have wigs for cheep and don't have shipping, but they take a long time to ship. There are plenty of decent US companies who sell wigs targeted towards cosplays, like Arda-Wigs. It all depends on what you need. For Clover I found a curly burgundy wig on ebay.
Styling all depends on your character. For Clover I needed a fluffy pigtailed look, luckily I had this tutorial I could base it off of:
Poofing Pigtails
And then the near final result, before I trimmed the bangs.

Wig styling is a tricky thing, because if you mess up it can sometimes be irreversible. You just have to experiment, that's the only way you can get better at it. I can't really claim to be an expert, I've only really had to do minor trimming and styling, but it's the best advice I can give. Try and get yourself some decent tools. Get yourself a pair of scissors that you'll only use to cut wigs for. And also a pair of thinning sheers, which will allow the cuts to look less blunt and more natural.
As for when I get the wig, I try and order it as soon as I want to do the character, so sometimes it could come before I start sewing and sometimes it comes after. I can't say when's the best time to start working on the wig, I guess the best is when you feel comfortable doing it.

I guess most of this is sort of covered in the fabric part, but the actual sewing part is sort of a big thing in making a costume. Getting yourself a decent sewing machine is a plus. For basics you need a machine that has several stitching functions. It's really helpful if you can get a serger, so you can hem everything. But they are expensive. A cheaper alternative is to get a machine with a zigzag stitch. It doesn't completely replace a serger but it's a decent alternative. Also a good thing to keep at your side is fray check, to keep the fabric from fraying too much.
For Clover, I used my Janome machine. It has several stitch functions, enough so I could make it completely, use my zigzag, and if needed to, create button holes. A lot of really decent machines you can buy refurbished.

This is the last section I'll include in making everything. Because there's a good number of things I can't really make on my own, like shoes. Again, like the wig, most of the stuff I buy is on ebay. I like using ebay because most everything you can get is a lot cheaper then anywhere else. The blouse was a bought item as well, because it's so basic, it's an item that you sort of just want to own for multiple cosplays or outfits. Sometimes it's good to have basics because they can be reused.

That's about my whole process right there. Whenever you finish make sure you take a lot of photos of your completed it!

Breastbinder and new Mello cross!

I've been waiting for my new breastbinders for quite a while, and even a longer time I have been in progres of getting 'em, and never did anything!! XD But just last week I got this awesome orange and white card from the post that I can go get my binders!! So I ran there and got my babies!! ENJOY THE OPENING!!


T-Kingdom card

My lovelies in the wrapping.

So now I have my new binders! At firs when I tried 'em on I was like "WAY TOO SMALL!!" ;;___;; but then I realized that I have to.... do some adjusting with my feminen parts and they were perfect!! And the are really good at their job! Really, I must recommend T-Kingdom to everyone with binding problems!! [Google it]

And I had my birthday party with my best bitches and whores <3 We had the most fun, and I got some cool presents! Like this beauty!!

It's a new Mello cross I've been drooling over for ages!! I love my previous one, it's so big and fancy but... It's more photoshoot stuff, this one is more correct! And it is so much lighter @__@ you can't believe how heavy that other one is, and at winters it gets cold, and it hangs right about where the top ends, so my tummy is always cold, and I actually have had bruiced from that bitch >__< Still like my botch crosses, both from special persons!
But this will be for cons, the other one for fancy pictures :>


Jumat, 27 Mei 2011


 Hace tiempos deseaba un delineador líquido que no se corra por anda del mundo, ni cuando sobe mis ojos ni nada XD

En realidad lo encontré: Liquid Eyeliner Dolly Wink
Lo probé y no manchó para nada (mis párpados son raros, grasosos y asians XD) así que no me arrepiento de haberlo comprado *x*


 Pues curiosidad, cosméticos NYX cuestan barato así que intenté ver qué tal son:

1. Luxurious black label lipstick - Color Nude
No me gustan los lipsticks pero quiero lograr un look con nude-lips.
2. NYX Mega shine lip gloss - sweet heart LG104

3. NYX Foundation -  De este sí me arrepiento o_ó resulta que el color Natural 03 es muy oscuro para mí (miraré por el lado amable, podré ser la princesa Jasmín o Pocahondas XD digo con esto tendré piel bronceada c:).

 Got2b spiking spray, yo me dije que en mi ciudad no lo vendían y en una salida random lo encontré y lo compré! Lo he usado en una peluca y ojalá sea lavable porque el spray tiene goma en él.

 Otro spray got2b, protege contra el calor producido por planchas que realizan ondas.


 Hace tiempos deseaba un delineador líquido que no se corra por anda del mundo, ni cuando sobe mis ojos ni nada XD

En realidad lo encontré: Liquid Eyeliner Dolly Wink
Lo probé y no manchó para nada (mis párpados son raros, grasosos y asians XD) así que no me arrepiento de haberlo comprado *x*


 Pues curiosidad, cosméticos NYX cuestan barato así que intenté ver qué tal son:

1. Luxurious black label lipstick - Color Nude
No me gustan los lipsticks pero quiero lograr un look con nude-lips.
2. NYX Mega shine lip gloss - sweet heart LG104

3. NYX Foundation -  De este sí me arrepiento o_ó resulta que el color Natural 03 es muy oscuro para mí (miraré por el lado amable, podré ser la princesa Jasmín o Pocahondas XD digo con esto tendré piel bronceada c:).

 Got2b spiking spray, yo me dije que en mi ciudad no lo vendían y en una salida random lo encontré y lo compré! Lo he usado en una peluca y ojalá sea lavable porque el spray tiene goma en él.

 Otro spray got2b, protege contra el calor producido por planchas que realizan ondas.

Tutorial tiara Sailor moon

Hoy traemos un tutorial de la tiara de sailor-moon, concretamente la de Mercurio, sin embargo sirve para todas, sólo habría que cambiar la perla de color.

Este tutorial está hecho con motivo de "emergencia", es decir, si alguna vez te encuentras con el apuro, aquí tendrás una magnífica ayuda, además de ser económico.


- papel
- cartón
- tijeras
- pintura amarilla o dorada
- pegamento
- papel de plata
- film transparente
- perla azul (color a elegir)
- aguja

Se coge papel/folio se hace la forma de la tiara

Se pasa la forma al cartón

Se recortan los laterales y se redondean

Con una aguja o compás u objeto punzante se le hace unos agujeros a los laterales

Se dobla la tiara y se le da forma, luego se reviste de papel de plata con cuidado de no dejar arrugas

Luego, se pinta y se le pega la perla azul. Escogí el pintarla de amarillo y no de dorado simplemente porque no me funcionaba el bote de dorado, no quedó mal, pero es aconsejable de pintarla en un dorado vivo, quedaría mejor y mas realista.

Para pegarla a la piel se usa pegamento de piel o en tal caso se pone un elástico (para eso sirve los dos agujeros hechos al principio), el film transparente se pega por detrás de la tiara para cuando se vaya pegar a la piel, no llevarse la pintura.

En caso de tener tiempo siempre podéis usar este otro tutorial de referencia:

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