Warung Bebas

Kamis, 29 September 2011

Spotlight on Instructables

Hello, internet. It is I, Sabine! Did you miss me? I certainly missed you.

Today, I want to showcase a website that is near and dear to my heart: Instructables. Within its many pages, you can find so many well designed, well photographed tutorials for, well, everything that it's just absurd. Here are a dozen or so choices for really neat costume and prop tutorials, ranging from super simple to super involved. Ready? Let's begin!

For a really slick looking costume piece, how about Amber's jacket from Suckerpunch?

On the prop side, there are dozens of versions of Iron Man's arc reactor, but this one, featuring a cool infinity effect, is my favorite.

This was a triumph: an amazing replica of Chell's portal gun.

Another epic (literally) prop: Thor's hammer, made from a dying star (sort of).

Weapons geeks of all kinds, here's a whole category for you: Nerf gun mods. A little something for everyone, including vampire hunters and steampunkers.

Captain America fans: trying to replicate that goddamn shield on a budget? Here's one made of duct tape and cardboard that still looks great.

If you've got a lot of time on your hands and love Doctor Who more than life itself, you can make your very own K-9.

Here's a utility sort of tutorial that has limitless applications: DIY scales with spray paint.

If you're into steampunk or innovative original costuming in general, one to watch is ModMischief.

Speaking of steampunk, if you want costume pieces, look no further. For example, here's a neat little wristwatch, so you can check the time in your airship.

Another Doctor Who note: looking for a sonic screwdriver that's all your own? Here's one you can make for about five bucks.

If we have taught you anything, may it be that you don't have to start from scratch to make a cool costume piece. Here's a mod for a glowing Green Lantern ring out of one you can pick up at Toys-R-Us.

Video game costume tutorials run rampant on Instructables, and here's a really cool one: a costume from Dead Space 1.

And, last but not least, knit your way to Doctor Zoidberg. Whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop!

I hope you enjoy/are inspired by these few little examples, and that you'll go exploring on your own. Geronimo!



Buenas queridos cosplayers! Hoy tenemos el placer de comunicaros la creación de una tienda on-line sobre cosplays hechos a medida!! 

Dicha tienda es totalmente nueva, así que ahora mismo no hay un gran catálogo, aún así si queréis algún cosplay en especial tan sólo tenéis que pedirlo y se os mandará presupuesto sin ningún tipo de problema!

La tienda está situada en Sevilla y es una gran modista, así que ya sabéis, no dudéis en visitar nuestra tienda, la cual la iremos actualizando constantemente con nuevos artículos, ya que, a parte de cosplays, también vendemos complementos cosplayers!

Rabu, 28 September 2011

Kairi Kingdom Hearts Cosplay

Buena, pues os vamos a poner un tutorial de kairi, personaje del kingdom hearts.

El vestido, se hace con un patrón de vestido normal y corriente, al cual le añadimos tres cremalleras, dos de las cuales no tienen por qué funcionar.

os daré una leve explicación para qué mas o menos os deis una idea, pero es un cosplay muy sencillo =D

El patron de kairi es el patron de un vestido normal y corriente, lo que lo hace parecer complicado son esas tres cremalleras que tiene, dos de ellas, las de los laterales no tienen por qué funcionar, la del medio si, porque es la que hará poder ponerte el vestido.
Es bueno que debajo de cada cremallera pongas tela blanca cosida, por si se te abren, en la del medio, tienes que poner una parte blanca mas ancha, lo que puedes usar para quitarte complicaciones e sun chaleco blanco cortado y cosido por arriba y debajo de pecho al vestido, (para que no se te remangue hacia arriba)
La parte de la capucha o bien la haces, lo cual es complicado si no sabes costura, o se la quitas a algun chaleco que tenga y la coses =D
El vestido tiene un cinturon negro con dos boldos y de estos un lazo.

Para que veáis detalles del vestido os dejo un video en el que se ve un vestido precioso de kairi

Uno de los accesorios de Kairi es su keyblade

Buscando por Youtube hemos encontrado y buen tutorial

Estos tutoriales siempre podéis editarlos como gustéis y modificarlos a vuestro antojo ^^

Selasa, 27 September 2011

Cosplay Linkspam, 27 September 2011

Greetings, fellow cosplayers! Shadowen, here. Remember me? Possibly not, seeing as I’ve been MIA for so long. The good news, though, is that I have ALL THE LINKS for you today, including more stuff from Dragon*Con, some cosplaying resources, and a blast from the costuming past.

First up, we have Cosplay.com and The Superhero Costuming Forum, for those of us who like a little social networking with out cosplay. Cosplay.com looks to be heavy on the anime, and the SCF does pretty much what it says on the tin. these are probably old news, but I wasn’t aware of them, so I’m passing on the info to you, my loyal readers. Check them out!

If you’re hardcore DIY, or you just like seeing how stuff is made, go here to learn how to make your very own Daft Punk helmet, then wear it to the club and see if anyone asks for your autograph.

Also in the realm of rock’n’roll costuming - and reminding us that cosplay isn’t just about our beloved SF/F - check out this stunning Velvet Goldmine/David Bowie cosplayer. One costume, twice the glam!

To thrill my little vintage geek heart, The Azarian Collection has a big photo gallery of costumes from our favorite campy 60s superhero shows, including pieces from Lynda Carter’s Wonder Woman costume, plus links to other geek retro sites.

Shadowen =/= gamer, but I salute my otherly nerdy brethren and respectfully point you to this detailed and entertaining primer for PAX in Seattle.

For my fellow fans of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman - and for anyone else who likes pretty things - check out these lovely masks inspired by the Endless.

Are you now or have you ever been a Hench(person) of the Mighty Monarch? If so, The Venture Home News is asking you to send in photos and video of your adventures in villainy, presumably for a promotional spot on the glamorous life of henching.

AND NOW: more Dragon*Con

The winners of the Hallway Costume Contest were posted, sadly without pictures.

Comics Alliance has their pick of the best costumes from the con, including the truly amazing Grand Galactic Inquisitor as photographed by friend of the blog arymabeth.

And here’s a Flickr set of photos from D*C.

For extra entertainment, we have Chad Vader’s 75 more costumes at Dragon*Con 2011.

And finally, The Really Really Long Video from Dragon*Con 2011.

Time to start working on costumes for next year! ....after I pay rent.

Senin, 26 September 2011

Venta de entrada de JYJ

Buenas a todos! vamos a escribir esta entrada con un motivo especial, una lectora quiere vender su entrada de JYJ y pues, le vamos a ayudar a eso!!

Por motivos personales ella no podrá ir al concierto, aún así venderá su entrada

La entrada es de la zona del FOSO, y está a un precio de 50€ gastos de envío incluidos, si la compráis por internet los gastos de envíos sitúan a la entradas en unos 60€ así que os ahorraríais 10€, también acepta ofertas.

Si estáis interesado poneos en contacto con nosotros y haremos todas las gestiones pertinentes.


Los gastos de envío se harán a contrare embolso para hacer la cosa mas fácil!

Difundidlo y muchas gracias! ^^

Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Miku Hatsune

Miku Hatsune - Vocaloid




Original - Free Time


Original - Dark Lady


Original - Beautiful Goddess

Jumat, 23 September 2011


Lololololo So I've been browsing trought the web and it's always a good idea to search with your own name! That's how I found 2 cosplay slideshows from youtube that have my pictures in them! I feel so honored! ♥♥
Just gonna casually put those here because of shut up that's why!

x x x x x x x x x x x x

So umm... I have decided to cosplay Gamzee Makara in Cosplay Gaala 2011. And that's in next month!!
But no worries, I have a clear plan on getting all the materials, and I actually even got sum free paint from Mara! But I won't have any pictures until next week, gonna go shopping on monday and hopefully get some horns done!

I kinda have nothing to say.....


las lentillas a veces es bastante fundamental a la hora de hacer un cosplay, ya sea por que el color es muy característico del personaje o bien porque queráis darle una mayor empatía a vuestro cosplay.

Con unas buenas lentillas un cosplay puede cambiar considerablemente la verdad, y para ello os vamos a poner un listado de varias tiendas de lentillas, si sabéis alguna mas, no dudéis en decirla y obviamente las añadiremos en la lista ;) 

Tiendas on-line

  • Honey Color - De vez en cuando hacen muy buenas ofertas.
  • Pinky Paradise - Recomendable pero es bueno que pidáis varias personas para abaratar los gastos de envío.
  • Noir shop - Lo bueno de esta web es que el trato es totalmente en Español
  • Yesstyle -  A parte de ropa, también venden lentillas.
  • Circle lens 2U - Aunque hay variedad, el precio es bastante excesivo.
  • Circle lens - Gran variedad, y muchas veces hay buenas ofertas.
  • Candy Lens - Hay bastantes productos y variedades.
  • qq contacs - Bastantes colores y buen orden en la web.
  • 9SFX - Es una de las web que mayor número de circles de fantasía tiene, sin embargo su mayor fallo son los precios, ya que al ser lentillas muy raras y personalizadas sus precios son elevados.
  • Eye Candy lense - Precios razonables, buen trato y envios gratis
  • Geo21eye - Buen trato
  • Last-cut a bien precios lentillas y pelucas

Decir que en muchas de estas webs, por la compra de unas lentillas regalan cajitas para guardarlas con formas de animales:

lenscase.jpg (665×720)

Ademas, en otras si metes un código te hacen un pequeño descuento y te envían a parte de la cajita otro detalle mas.

Si no sabes o te da miedo ponerte unas lentillas, aquí os dejamos un buen tutorial:

No te preocupes si la primera vez que te pones unas lenses tienes molestia o lloras bastante, suele pasar ya que el ojo no está acostumbrado, al rato se te pasará esa molesta, si ves que no pasa, puedes quitarla limpiarla con su líquido especial y volver a ponerla, ya que a veces puede están un poco sucia.


Si te gustan que las lentillas se te vean grandes y llamativas puedes escogerlas de distinto diámetro, yo suelo usar unas de 15 mm las de 14 suelen ser similares a nuestro ojos, a parte también si usas unas con unos bordes señalados se te verán mas profundas, un ejemplo:

además si eres chica y encima le añades unas pestañas postizas se te verá el ojos mucho mas grande y llamativo.

Selasa, 13 September 2011

Sissel Wig

I hadn't done an update in a bit, not since quickly recapping Otakon, I figure I can go into detail as to how the wig was made and the process I went into it. This was the first time I ever took on a project as big as this. Most of the wig stuff I've had to do were pretty minor. Even for my costume in this group I only had to trim the wig. But I wanted a group so as long as our Sissel paid for the supplies I would make the wig for him. I'll go into as much detail as I can on the process I went through for this wig.

Bristol Paper
2 Blond Wigs
Wig Heads
Spray Mount
Mod Podge
Wig Combs

The first step was building the base. The base was the Bristol Paper, which is basically a thicker stock of paper. It's a few pieces tapped together. The bottom part is one piece, and then to get the strange, curled up shape that's several pieces stacked and tapped on top. It's a bit hard to explain, but you basically want to make a cone shape. When you build up as much as you can on the base so you have more for the hair to stick to. The tape is black but we don't have to worry about that, all of that stuff will be covered.

Once I got the shape that I wanted, I took strips of plaster and covered it. You want to be careful not to use too much, because you don't want to make it too heavy, it will be resting on the top of the head. I just wanted it wrapped up so it could cover the tape. You really don't need to worry about sanding it or anything, since it'll be covered.

Once it was plastered, matched a paint to the hair as close as I could and painted it. This is just in case any sort of stray hair opens up and the base is shown. It basically helps everything look nice and consistent. Once the base was dried, I could begin the progress of fitting it to the wig.

When you're fitting the base of the wig to the head, you want to make sure you have a way of securing it. I ended up hot gluing it to the top of the wig, so it would hold there while I could work the hair along the base. This is a bit more complicated to explain, but I'll through the process I went to attach the hair to the base.

First thing I did was take a clump of hair and spray it down with hair spray to make it stiff. Then taking the spray mount, I would spray it onto the base and then press the hair to it. Taking a brush, I would paint the mod podge along the hair to help make it more stiff, as well as stick it to base better. I would repeat this process until the base was completely covered in hair. In the end it looked something like this...


Not...incredibly nice. But it will look better! This is where the second wig came into play. I harvested the second wig for wefts and attached the wefts in the same way I attached the hair from the wig.

I didn't really do much differently from the last part. The ends of the hair was painted with mod podge to make them stiff, so I could create a hairline for the wig.


Slowly but surely the wig was starting to look more even, less like a mess of hair around the base.


And the final result was this!

Worn by Hayabusa72.

This was probably the biggest wig project ever. It was tough...but I was glad for the experience.

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